This is a personal blog that exists to give me a place to write about and review my collection. All the reviews I post here contain my own opinions, regardless of anything else.
For some items I review, I use affiliate links as a way to hopefully support the running of this blog. Affiliate marketing is a widely used practice and some of the most recognizable brands in the world use it. Amazon is one of these companies.
If you click one of these links and make a purchase from it, I may earn a small commission from the sale. Any commission potentially earned is at no additional cost to you. That being said, I’m always very careful about the products I recommend. In general, I own most of the products I recommend personally, and you can read about my experiences with them in my blog posts. If something isn’t good, I won’t recommend it.
Even though not all of my links are affiliate links (some of my posts have no links or any indication on where to purchase the item mentioned), you should assume that they are if this is a concern to you. Please practice due diligence before making any purchase. Just because I like something doesn’t mean you will, or that your experiences will necessarily be the same.